Joining the xoxzo open office hours?

What is Xoxzo Open Office Hours and what if I join?

Xoxzo Open Office Hours is open for all to join and discuss about using the Xoxzo Telephony.

The session will be held regular bass, with our evangelist Akira Nonaka through Google Hangouts.

Please join our Open Office Hours if you would like to:

  • Discuss on specific API functionality, how they work and what needs to be done to use them

  • Usage of open source libraries available for the various APIs

  • Explaination of various actual use cases of the APIs as used by our customers

  • Providing feedback about the APIs

On the other hand, please contact Help Desk at for:

  • Support related issues or escalation (Please do visit our HELP CENTER first)

  • Sales or pricing related issues

  • Any other matters which are not listed in the previous list above.

For Google Hangout sign-in details, we would like you to visit connpass for pre-booking.