Xoxzo Cloud Telephony/SMS API
- SMS API Does "Plus-Message" app receives SMS messages?
- SMS API How to send SMS via Mail2SMS
- SMS API How many characters would fit within 1 x SMS?
- SMS API What is link-tracking?
- SMS API My message was replaced
- SMS API What is Receive SMS Messages API?
- SMS API Difference between K-premium and K-premium Lite
- SMS API The K-Premium Lite service
- SMS API What's MVNO? How does Xoxzo treat them?
- SMS API SMS - Known restrictions for UK
- SMS API Is multiple sendings to one same number possible?
- SMS API What does the delivery status mean?
- SMS API Can messages be sent to the phones that are on roaming?
- SMS API SMS - Known restrictions for JP
- SMS API SMS - Known restrictions for MY
- SMS API Can I set my own Sender ID?
- SMS API Can I send SMS to the other countries?
- SMS API What does "Sender ID" do?
- SMS API The K-Premium service
- SMS API Does Xoxzo support MNP?
- SMS API How long does it take for a SMS to be delivered?
- SMS API Any daily limits on SMS sending?
- SMS API In what languages can I send my SMS?
- SMS API I'm receiving the same messages multiple times